SASA - South African Sugar Association
SASA stands for South African Sugar Association
Here you will find, what does SASA stand for in Food under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate South African Sugar Association? South African Sugar Association can be abbreviated as SASA What does SASA stand for? SASA stands for South African Sugar Association. What does South African Sugar Association mean?The Brazil based company is located in Natal, Rio Grande Do Norte engaged in farming industry.
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Alternative definitions of SASA
- Salta airport
- The Stella Adler Studio of Acting
- Software America S.A.
- Silex Argentina S.A.
- Soul Asylum Studios Atlanta
- Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
- Stafford Area Soccer Association
View 39 other definitions of SASA on the main acronym page
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- SFMC Saint Francis Medical Center
- SAIGAS SAI Global Assurance Services
- SOTC Stoke On Trent College
- SPS Systems Plus Solutions
- SNU Shanghai Normal University
- SACL Sale Advanced Co. Ltd.
- SHRMC Summit Healthcare Regional Medical Center
- SGI Sea Green Inc.
- SH The Standard Hotels
- SCCHR Senior Care Centers Health and Rehabilitation
- SITPL Stellar Information Technology Pvt. Ltd.
- SG The Sr Group
- SHC Sacred Heart College
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